There are a lot of decoy options out there these days, we get it. But this is a shameless plug because you guys need to know - there is not another Windsock Decoy on the market that excels out of a boat and over water like White Rock Canada Goose Windsocks! Why? Because we intentionally designed them that way! They're going to help you hunt bigger, better, faster, and more successfully.
1. Sturdy fiberglass stakes that actually hold the bags high and out of the water.....With a 36" stake upgrade option for deeper water scenarios
2. Unbreakable soft plastic 3D flocked heads (not awkward looking stubby necked coroplast).
4. The ability to easily mix in headless decoys to mimic sleepers and add numbers, without adding weight and cost. We suggest a 50/50 split between headless and headed decoys....but many guys swear by running all headless!
5. All the pieces of the decoys are designed to be light weight but still unbreakably durable. More so than in a decoy trailer or truck bed, decoys in a boat get smashed on! Go ahead...step on em, sit on em, throw em on the bank. There is nothing to break here! (And we back that with our LIFETIME warranty!)
6. Heavy Duty storage bags specifically designed to swallow large numbers of decoys and be hucked into the boat.
7. Of course they're the fastest deploying and take up the least amount of space of any windsock decoy ever developed!

So the next time those 4 fullbodies fill your boat, your silhouettes start floating away, and the other windsocks start filling with'll see the reason why White Rock Decoys are designed to out preform every other decoy on the banks. Late season river hunting is what we were born to do!
It's that time of year? Are you ready to Rock?