Specklebelly Goose Windsocks

Regular price $129.99
Those bar bellies will never see you coming with White Rock Fully Flocked Headed Specklebelly Goose Decoys.
These are the most realistic White Fronted Goose Windsock Decoys ever developed! They're a great option whether you're walk-in hunting specks in the flooded rice fields of Arkansas, putting the grind to them on the Texas or California wintering grounds, or early season hunting on the prairies of Canada.
Our Specklebelly Goose Windsock pack comes with 6 feeder and 6 upright heads. The feeder heads have a side to side feeding motion and the upright heads can be mounted facing any direction. We built them this way to get away from the front facing, stiff, toy-soldier look of other windsock decoys. Tuf-Snap Collapsible Support Systems and 24" fiberglass ground stakes come standard.