When and When Not To Hunt Snows Over Small Spreads

Hunting snows over small spreads of fullbody decoys (300 or less) is not an everyday or everywhere tactic. But it can be extremely effective in the right scenarios. Here are a few of our favorites!


1. ARKANSAS/MS/LA/MO Bootheel:

The rice, flooded fields, levees and field edges are prevalent on the Grand Prairie. Birds are comfortable sitting in small chunked up fields. They tend to fly lower, work better, and don't see as much when you're hunting realistic decoys and hiding off to the side of them. If you've got this opportunity in these areas, be ready to take it!


Small pasture pond set ups. Unless you're hunting the very last trickle of juvies we don't suggest trying the field edge hide in the midwest in the spring (more below).

However one of the best tricks is to find a small pasture pond. Something with some edges and contours that will help you hide. Snows are very susceptible to water in the spring, and will often sit on little ponds in smaller numbers. They'll work them in the morning, after the feed, during the migration part of the day, and at last light.


The shinning star of the small spread snow goose hunt both spring and fall. We've found the best way to put numbers of snows on the ground anywhere in Canada to be small realistic spreads and a perfect hide. The hide comes easier in the North land. Stand up big bush blinds and edge hides are prevalent. Don't worry about lack of wind in Canada - Scout hard. Be creative with the set. And let the decoys do the talking. You'll get 'em!.



Don't do it, it's not going to end well. Birds stream off big bodies of water in huge numbers, sky high. They're looking to join big feeds already on the ground. Plus you're likely competing against other large spreads, often within eye sight. Good hunts can be had in these areas, but you're not going to consistently pull numbers with a small spread and edge hide in this situation.

2. SOUTH AND NORTH DAKOTA Mega sections:

In the land of 1 x 1 mile sections (and larger) snows are notorious for hitting the middle. These birds are not dumb, they pick big sections because they're safe. They know roads, tree lines, and grass edges mean danger. It would be very unnatural for a small group of snows to be sitting in a place like that, and adult snows and even most juvies are not going to decoy to that set up. A big bush blind in the middle of giant section without a tree in sight is also not a recipe for success.

Unless you've got extreme weather conditions such as 50+mph wind, a blizzard, or heavy fog...or are hunting the VERY tail end juvy push a small spread on a field edge is not a winning combo in the Dakotas.

Birds are too pressured, comfortable only in large sections, and rarely decoy to small spreads in the middle. They'll see you!

Those are our thoughts. What are yours?

Check out White Rock Decoys EVAC Series Fullbodies:


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